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You have a significant contribution to make!

You have a significant contribution to make; don’t be stopped by your limited beliefs and doubts, rise above your circumstances and be the great leader you were created to be!

I offer a variety of programs that can better prepare you in fulfilling your professional and personal goals. Whether you are a new manager who aspires to enhance your management / leadership skills and knowledge or you are currently in a leadership position and wish to enhance your leadership skills for future career advancement we offer individual coaching to meet your needs.


Quick Start Leadership Program for the Emerging Leader

A 6 week interactive program provided in a group setting via teleconference. An ideal program for you the professional women who is currently in a management role or in a new leadership role.  Identify your purpose and passion. Learn, practice, and mastering key strategies for success in better equipping you for increasing responsibilities and challenges. Become familiar with key leadership practices, concepts and actions that will be instrumental in positioning your to be more effective in your role.  A great opportunity to interact with like- minded professional ladies, share lessons learned, navigate the leadership journey and capture useful ‘take- a -ways.’

High Potential Leadership Coaching Program

A 90 day individual coaching program conducted via zoom or telephone on a weekly basis. The initial focus will be on addressing an ‘open approach’ in leadership where some critical elements of leadership are first addressed. The core of the coaching engagement will then be tailored to fit you the professional woman’s unique needs and areas of interest in enhancing your leadership knowledge and skills. During this engagement, you will have an opportunity to create a vision and design a Leadership Development Plan that will be a road map in aiding you in fulfilling your goals and aspirations. Your active participation in following through on your action items along with my commitment in being your confidant and thought partner while holding you accountable will be instrumental in contributing to your progress.

High Performance Leadership Program

A 6 month individual intensive coaching program conducted via zoom or telephone on a weekly basis. This program is ideal for you the professional woman who is currently in a leadership position and aspiring to advance in your career into a more senior leadership position. This interactive and action oriented program is geared towards you assertively overcoming self- imposed limits, stepping out of your comfort zone and getting the desired results. 7 Key elements of a ‘High Performance Leader’ are addressed and you have an opportunity to assess where you are and create strategies and action plans to grow. Emphasis will be on both you the professional woman and your organization / company’s culture etc. The core of the coaching program will be focused on the priority areas you have identified in your completed questionnaire and have addressed with me your coach as most important for your professional growth. The intention of the 6 month engagement is to empower you to be a more effective leader while adapting to an increasing complex work environment in the 21st Century.

Personal 1-n-1 Coaching

Liz is a trusted confidant and thought partner. Her aim is to coach you in strategizing on how best to overcome your limited beliefs and self -doubts that are currently stopping you from maximizing your full potential in being a peak performing leader. She is committed to empowering you to effectively lead with intention, confidence and passion!